

词汇 dismiss
dismiss | BrE dɪsˈmɪs, AmE dɪsˈmɪs | transitive verb (reject) 对…不予考虑 duì… bù yǔ kǎolǜ idea, suggestion, possibilitydismiss sth as …; 把某事物作为…而不予理会 we dismissed that story as an idle rumour 我们认为那说法是毫无根据的谣言而不予考虑 (put out of mind) 彻底忘掉 chèdǐ wàngdiào thought, memory; 清除 qīngchú fear (remove from job) 解雇 jiěgù to be dismissed from one's post 被免职 (send out) 让…离开 ràng… líkāi to dismiss the class 宣布下课 the recruits were dismissed 新兵们被解散了 Law «judge» 驳回 bóhuí case, appeal, charges Sport (in cricket) 迫使…退场 pòshǐ… tuìchǎng




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