

词汇 nestle
nestle | BrE ˈnɛs(ə)l, AmE ˈnɛsəl | A. intransitive verb (settle) «person, cat» 安卧 ān wò to nestle into an armchair 舒适地躺在单人沙发里 (lie) «village, object» 半隐半现 bàn yǐn bàn xiàn the house nestles or is nestled among the trees 房屋掩隐在树林之中 B. transitive verb 使…紧贴 shǐ… jǐn tiē head, bodyto nestle a baby in one's arms 怀里抱个婴儿 to nestle one's head on sb's shoulder 把头偎依在某人肩上 PHRASAL VERBS nestle down intransitive verb 安卧 ān wò to nestle down in bed 舒适地躺在床上 nestle up intransitive verb 偎依 wēiyī to nestle up against or to sb/sth; 偎依着某人/某物




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