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词汇 go through
go through A. intransitive verb (move or travel through) 通过 tōngguò please go (on) through 请进去吧 (be successfully completed) «deal, transaction» 达成 dáchéng (progress) 往下进行 wǎng xià jìnxíng they need only a draw to go through 他们只需要打成平局就能进入下一轮比赛 Law, Politics (be approved) 获得通过 huòdé tōngguò the bill failed to go through 法案没有通过 B. transitive verb [go through sth] (move or travel through) 通过 tōngguò to go through the gate/tunnel 穿过大门/隧道 to go through the switchboard/the right authorities 经过交换台/通过正当的官方 the table won't go through the door 桌子没法通过这道门 it went through my mind that … 我想起… (search) 查遍 chábiàn files; 搜遍 sōubiàn suitcase, drawer, possessionsto go through one's pockets/handbag 翻遍口袋/手提包 (inspect, check) 仔细检查 zǐxì jiǎnchá document, essay, mail; 仔细讲解 zǐxì jiǎngjiě textlet's go through the points one by one 我们把这几点逐一研究一下吧 (read out, specify) 一一读出 yīyī dúchū to go through the register/list of names 点名 please go through exactly what's needed 请一一报出所需要的东西 (undergo) 经历 jīnglì difficulties, war, period of time; 经受 jīngshòu test, interviewhe went through several operations 他做过几次手术 we've all gone through difficult times 我们全都经历过艰难时刻 after all he's gone through 在他经历过这一切之后 he went through the day in a haze 他迷迷糊糊地度过了一天 (perform, accomplish) 完成 wánchéng he went through the day's work in a couple of hours 他用了几个小时便做完了白天的工作 to go through the formalities 办手续 (rehearse) 排练 páiliàn let's go through the whole scene once more 我们把这一场再排练一遍 (progress through) 经过 jīngguò draftthe plan went through several stages 计划经过了几个阶段 this book has already gone through 13 editions 这本书已经连续出了13版 (consume, use up) 用完 yòngwán we went through four bottles of wine 我们喝了4瓶葡萄酒 he has gone through four cars/secretaries humorous 他开坏了4辆汽车/用过4个秘书 (make hole in) 磨破 mópò Law, Politics (be approved) 在…获得通过 zài… huòdé tōngguò the bill is going through the upper house 议案正在上院审议




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