

词汇 graft
graft1 | BrE ɡrɑːft, AmE ɡræft | A. noun Botany (shoot) 嫁接用的嫩枝 jiàjiē yòng de nènzhī ; (joining) 嫁接 jiàjiē Medicine (skin, bone, etc.) 移植物 yízhíwù ; (operation) 移植 yízhí B. transitive verb Botany 嫁接 jiàjiē to graft one variety of apple on to another 把一个苹果树种嫁接到另外一种上 Medicine 移植 yízhí skin, organsthe new veins had been grafted on to the heart 新的血管移植到了心脏上 figurative 使…紧密结合 shǐ… jǐnmì jiéhé ideas, systemto graft sth into/on to sth; 使某物并入某物 old values have been grafted on to a new social class 旧的价值观已经植根于新的社会阶层




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