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词汇 except
except | BrE ɪkˈsɛpt,ɛkˈsɛpt, AmE ɪkˈsɛpt | A. preposition 除…外 chú… wài nothing except her resignation will satisfy them 除非她辞职,否则他们怎么都不会满意 open every day except Monday 除了星期一每天都营业 B. conjunction (other than) 除…之外 chú… zhī wài everywhere except in Wales 威尔士以外的所有地方 except if … 除非… (but) 可是 kěshì I'd tell him except he's in the bath 我想告诉他,可是他在洗澡 C. transitive verb formal 把…除外 bǎ… chúwài excepted from the survey 不在调查之列 present company excepted 在场的诸位除外 D. except for preposition phrase (with the exception of) 除…之外 chú… zhī wài everyone went except for me 除我之外,所有人都去了 (but for) 要不是 yàobushì I'd have left before except for the children 要不是孩子,我之前就离开了




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