

词汇 excuse
excuse A. noun | BrE ɪkˈskjuːs,ɛkˈskjuːs, AmE ɪkˈskjus | (pretext) 借口 jièkǒu to make or find an excuse 找借口 to look for an excuse to do sth 找借口做某事 to make excuses (for sb/sth) (为某人/某事物)找借口 (justification) 理由 lǐyóu an excuse for sth/doing sth; 某事物/做某事的理由 there is no excuse for sth/doing sth 某事物/做某事是毫无道理的 without excuse 无故地 it's just an excuse for a party 那只是为聚会找个理由 any excuse for a day off! 只要能休息一天,什么理由都行! informal (example) 蹩脚样本 biéjiǎo yàngběn a poor excuse for a meal 一顿不像样的饭 a poor excuse for a manager 无能的经理 to make one's excuses (to sb) (say one is leaving) (向某人)表示歉意要离开 (say one is not coming) (向某人)表示歉意不能来 (xiàng mǒu rén)biǎoshì qiànyì bù néng lái B. transitive verb | BrE ɪkˈskjuːz,ɛkˈskjuːz, AmE ɪkˈskjuz | (forgive) 原谅 yuánliàng person, behaviourplease excuse the mess 这里很乱,请原谅 to excuse sb for sth/doing sth; 原谅某人某事/做某事 (justify) 为…辩解 wèi… biànjiě action, personnothing can excuse such arrogance 这种傲慢是毫无道理的 (allow to leave) 允许…离开 yǔnxǔ… líkāi to be excused (from table) 离席 British (from room) 去上洗手间 qù shàng xǐshǒujiān if you'll excuse me 请让我先走一步 (exempt) 免除 miǎnchú to excuse sb from sth/doing sth; 免除某人某事/做某事 to excuse a debt 免除债务 to be excused an entrance fee 免收入场费 to be excused from games 获准不用上体育课 C. to excuse oneself reflexive verb | BrE ɪkˈskjuːz,ɛkˈskjuːz, AmE ɪkˈskjuz | (when leaving) 请求准予离开 qǐngqiú zhǔnyǔ líkāi to excuse oneself before leaving the table 离席时表示一下歉意 she excused herself and left 她说了句“不好意思”就走了 it's time we excused ourselves 我们该走了 (apologize) 请求得到原谅 qǐngqiú dédào yuánliàng to excuse oneself for sth; 请求原谅某事 he excused himself for being late 他因迟到而请求原谅 (beg off) 请求免除 qǐngqiú miǎnchú to excuse oneself from sth/doing sth; 请求免除某事/做某事 (justify oneself) 自我辩解 zìwǒ biànjiě to excuse oneself for sth/doing sth; 为某事/做某事替自己辩解




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