

词汇 exercise
exercise | BrE ˈɛksəsʌɪz, AmE ˈɛksərˌsaɪz | A. noun uncountable (exertion) 锻炼 duànliàn to get or British take exercise informal 锻炼身体 countable (activities) 体操 tǐcāo breathing/keep-fit exercises 吐纳/健身操 countable (task to develop skill) 练习 liànxí piano exercises 钢琴练习 countable (question) 习题 xítí a maths exercise 数学题 uncountable (application) 运用 yùnyòng the exercise of power 权力的行使 in the exercise of one's duties 在履行职责 countable (operation) 活动 huódòng an academic/a marketing exercise 学术/营销活动 an exercise in democracy/diplomacy 民主运动/外交活动 an exercise in futility; 白费劲的事 countable Military 演习 yǎnxí a military exercise 军事演习 to go on (an) exercise 进行演习 B. exercises plural noun US (ceremonies) 仪式 yíshì graduation exercises 毕业典礼 C. transitive verb (train) 锻炼 duànliàn body, mind; 训练 xùnliàn dog (use) 运用 yùnyòng skill, authority; 行使 xíngshǐ power, right; 保持 bǎochí patience, restraint; 实施 shíshī controlto exercise considerable or a great deal of influence over sb/sth 对某人/某事物产生很大影响 to exercise care in doing sth 小心做某事 (worry) 使担忧 shǐ dānyōu to exercise sb's mind 使某人伤脑筋 D. intransitive verb 锻炼 duànliàn




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