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词汇 outside
outside | AmE ˈaʊtsaɪd | A. noun (external space) 外面 wàimiàn the outside (of sth); (某物的)外面 to open from the outside 从外面打开 on the outside (of sth); 在(某物的)外面 to be on the outside looking in figurative 被排除在外 from the outside figurative 客观地看 from the outside, I'd say … 客观地说,我认为… (external surface) 外表 wàibiǎo the outsides of the windows 窗户的外部 a coat with fur on the outside 翻毛外套 on the outside (appearance) 外表上 on the outside she looked calm 她貌似镇定 (outer world) 外界 wàijiè to bring in an expert from (the) outside 外聘一名专家 to smuggle sth in from (the) outside 将某物从外面私带进来 Motor Vehicles (of road) 外侧 wàicè on the outside (of sth); 在(某物的)外侧 to pass a car on the outside 从外侧超车 Sport (of curve) the outside; 外圈 wàiquān to overtake sb on the outside (of the bend) 在(弯道)外圈超过某人 zài(wāndào)wàiquān chāoguò mǒu rén (maximum) at the outside; 至多 zhìduō to cost £50 at the outside 顶多要花50英镑 B. adjective attributive (outdoor) 户外的 hùwài de temperature, work (exterior) 外部的 wàibù de the outside wrapping/measurements 外包装/外部尺寸 (outer) 外侧的 wàicè de track; 靠走道的 kào zǒudào de seatthe outside lane/rear wheel Motor Vehicles 外车道/外侧后轮 the outside edge of sth 某物的外侧边 Telecommunications an outside line/call 外线/外线电话 wàixiàn/wàixiàn diànhuà British Radio, Television an outside broadcasting van/unit 实况转播车/组 shíkuàng zhuǎnbō chē/zǔ (maximum) 最大的 zuì dà de amount; 最高的 zuì gāo de price (beyond usual sphere) 通常领域以外的 tōngcháng lǐngyù yǐwài de the outside world 外界 wàijiè (from elsewhere) 来自外部的 láizì wàibù de an outside opinion 局外人的意见 outside help/contractors 外援/外部承包商 (slight) 微不足道的 wēi bù zú dào de an outside chance of winning 微乎其微的获胜机会 C. preposition (not within) 在…外面 zài… wàimiàn door, boundary; 在…之外 zài… zhī wài place, time, institutionto land outside the line «ball» 落在界外 sex outside marriage 婚外性行为 to go outside the garden 出花园 to wear a shirt outside one's trousers 把衬衫穿在裤子外面 (in front of) 在…前面 zài… qiánmian building (near) 靠近 kàojìn placejust outside Sheffield 就在设菲尔德附近 (not included in) 不属于 bù shǔyú organization, professionpublic opinion outside Parliament 议会之外的舆论 (beyond) 超过 chāoguò limit, jurisdictionto be outside the range 超出范围 it's outside her experience figurative 她没有这方面的经验 (apart from) 除…以外 chú… yǐwài person, activityshe doesn't see anyone outside her family 除了自己的家人,她谁也不见 D. adverb (position) 在外面 zài wàimiàn ; (movement toward) 朝外面 cháo wàimiàn the world outside 外面的世界 scenes shot outside 在室外拍摄的场景 a coat with fur outside 翻毛外套 if you'd like to step outside … (in order to fight) 如果你想出去较量一下… (mainly US) outside of …; (not within) 在…的外面 zài… de wàimiàn (apart from) 除了… chúle… outside of the law 超出法律范围 chāochū fǎlǜ fànwéi




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