

词汇 pension
pension | BrE ˈpɛnʃ(ə)n, AmE ˈpɛnʃən | noun (to old people) 养老金 yǎnglǎojīn ; (to widow, disabled person) 抚恤金 fǔxùjīn to draw one's pension 领取抚恤金 an old age/a war pension 养老金/战争抚恤金 (from employer) 退休金 tuìxiūjīn to retire on a pension 领取退休金退休 a private/company pension 个人/公司退休金 PHRASAL VERB pension off transitive verb [pension off sb/sth, pension sb/sth off] (retire) 发退休金使退休 fā tuìxiūjīn shǐ tuìxiū figurative informal (discard) 使报废 shǐ bàofèi this bus is pensioned off 这辆公交车报废了




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