

词汇 freely
freely | BrE ˈfriːli, AmE ˈfrili | adverb (not being confined or obstructed) 自由地 zìyóu de I can turn my head more freely now 现在我可以更自如地转头 the traffic is flowing freely 交通很通畅 to breathe freely 顺畅地呼吸 thank heaven the inspector has gone away, I can breathe freely again figurative 谢天谢地,检查员走了,我现在可以松口气了 to talk or speak freely 畅谈 to be freely available «goods, information» 可随意获得 (willingly) 自愿地 zìyuàn de agree, sacrificeto admit sth freely 爽快承认某事 to give one's consent freely 自愿同意 (abundantly) 大量地 dàliàng de give, useto spend money freely 花钱大手大脚 the plant grows freely in the hedgerows 植物在灌木树篱中生长茂盛 (not strictly) 不紧扣原文地 bù jǐn kòu yuánwén de freely translated 意译的




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