

词汇 exit
exit | BrE ˈɛksɪt,ˈɛɡzɪt, AmE ˈɛɡzət,ˈɛksət | A. noun (way out) (off a major road or roundabout) 出口 chūkǒu ; (in theatre, cinema) 安全门 ānquánmén ‘no exit’ “此路不通” (departure) 离开 líkāi to make an exit; (general) 离去 Theatre 退场 tuìchǎng Sport 退出 tuìchū to make a quick or hasty exit 匆匆离去 to make one's final exit euphemistic 辞世 euphemistic B. intransitive verb (go out, leave) 离开 líkāi to exit from somewhere; 离开某处 (leave the stage) «actor, character» 退场 tuìchǎng to exit stage left/right 从舞台左边/右边退场 ‘exit Hamlet’ “哈姆雷特下” Computing 退出 tuìchū to exit from a program 退出程序




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