

词汇 expose
expose | BrE ɪkˈspəʊz,ɛkˈspəʊz, AmE ɪkˈspoʊz | A. transitive verb (display) 暴露 bàolù chest, legs, armsto expose to public view; 向公众展示 (uncover) «archaeological dig» 发掘出 fājué chū remains; «low tide» 使…显露 shǐ… xiǎnlù rocks, beach; 使…裸露 shǐ… luǒlù electrical connection, nerve (make public) 揭穿 jiēchuān secrets, scandal, injustice (reveal true nature of) 揭露 jiēlù criminal, impostorto expose sb for what they are; 揭穿某人的真面目 (make vulnerable) 使遭受 shǐ zāoshòu to expose sb/sth to …; 让某人/某物遭受… to be exposed to attack/criticism/ridicule 易受到袭击/抨击/嘲笑 to expose sb to sth (introduce to) 使某人了解 subject, idea, art form (make experience) 使经受 shǐ jīngshòu influence, reality Photography 将…曝光 jiāng… bàoguāng filmB. to expose oneself reflexive verb (display genitals) 当众露阴 dāngzhòng lù yīn (make oneself vulnerable) to expose oneself to sth; 使自己易于遭受… shǐ zìjǐ yìyú zāoshòu…




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