

词汇 extend
extend | BrE ɪkˈstɛnd,ɛkˈstɛnd, AmE ɪkˈstɛnd | A. transitive verb (enlarge) 扩建 kuòjiàn building, road (prolong) 延长 yáncháng deadline, opening hours, visit; 延长…的期限 yáncháng… de qīxiàn visa (expand) 扩大 kuòdà vocabulary, influence, power, authority; 扩大…的适用范围 kuòdà… de shìyòng fànwéi law; 扩展 kuòzhǎn knowledge, meaning, idea, theory, story, business, market; 增加 zēngjiā services, demandthe list has been extended to include new members 名单中已经增添了新成员 (stretch) «person» 伸展 shēnzhǎn limb; «bird» 展开 zhǎnkāi wingto extend one's hand (in greeting) 伸出手 formal (offer) 提供 tígōng creditto extend sth to sb; 给某人提供 loan, help 向某人发出 xiàng mǒu rén fāchū invitation 向某人表示 xiàng mǒu rén biǎoshì welcome figurative (push to limit) 使…竭尽全力 shǐ… jiéjìn quánlì pupilto be fully extended «school, hospital» 竭尽全力 jiéjìn quánlì B. intransitive verb (stretch) «road, lake, grounds, premises» 延伸 yánshēn ; «weather, influence» 持续 chíxù to extend from sth to sth; 从某处延伸到某处 to extend all the way to/as far as sth; 一直延伸到… to extend beyond sth; 超过某物 to extend over the whole country 扩大到全国 (last) 延续 yánxù to extend into May/late into the night 延续到五月/深夜 to extend for five years 持续五年 to extend over a month/a lifetime 延续一个月/一生 figurative (reach) 涉及 shèjí to extend to sb/sth; «interest, authority, knowledge» 涉及到某人/某事物 to extend beyond national boundaries 超越国界 her sympathy extends to everyone 她对每个人都抱有同情心 figurative (go as far as) 达到 dádào my charity doesn't extend to writing you cheques 我不会慷慨到给你开支票的地步 C. to extend oneself reflexive verb 竭尽全力 jiéjìn quánlì she's an able pupil, but she doesn't extend herself 她是个有能力的学生,但是她不肯尽全力




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