

词汇 fringe
fringe | BrE frɪn(d)ʒ, AmE frɪndʒ | A. noun British (of hair) 刘海 liúhǎi (decorative trim) 流苏 liúsū (edge) 边缘 biānyuán on the fringe of sth; 在某物的外围 on the fringe(s) of society 在社会的边缘 B. adjective before noun Theatre 非主流的 fēizhǔliú de actorshe works in fringe theatre 她在实验戏剧界工作 Politics, Sociology 非正统的 fēizhèngtǒng de element, viewsC. transitive verb (decorate, embellish) 装饰…的边缘 zhuāngshì… de biānyuán the cloth was fringed with lace 那块布镶有蕾丝花边 (form border) «trees, houses» 构成…的边缘 gòuchéng… de biānyuán pool, square, roadpalms fringed the oasis 棕榈树环绕着绿洲




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