

词汇 grave
grave1 | BrE ɡreɪv, AmE ɡreɪv | noun (burial place) 坟墓 fénmù to go to an early grave 过早去世 to drive sb to an early grave figurative 使某人极为烦恼 to go to one's grave convinced that … 到死都相信… to dance on sb's grave figurative 因为自己不喜欢的某人死了而高兴 somebody is walking over my grave figurative 有人在我坟上走 [无故颤栗时的说法]to turn in one's grave figurative 在九泉之下不得安宁 to dig one's own grave figurative 自掘坟墓 to have one foot in the grave figurative 离死不远 from the cradle to the grave figurative 从生到死 figurative (death) the grave 死亡 sǐwáng beyond the grave 死后 sǐ hòu as silent as the grave 死一般寂静的 sǐ yībān jìjìng de




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