

词汇 grease
grease | BrE ɡriːs, AmE ɡris | A. noun uncountable (lubricant) 润滑油 rùnhuáyóu ; (oily substance) 油脂 yóuzhī to put grease on one's hair 给头发抹上发油 a grease-stained collar 沾有油渍的领口 Cooking (animal fat) 动物油脂 dòngwù yóuzhī B. transitive verb 给…加润滑油 gěi… jiā rùnhuáyóu machine part; 在…上涂油 zài… shang tú yóu cake tinlike greased lightning informal (very quickly) 飞快地 accept, disappear (very quick) 飞快的 fēikuài de runner, driverto grease sb's palm figurative informal 向某人行贿 to grease the wheels figurative informal 使事情顺利进行




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