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词汇 great
great | BrE ɡreɪt, AmE ɡreɪt | A. adjective usually attributive (measurably large) 大的 dà de size; 高的 gāo de temperature, percentage; 长的 cháng de time, distance; 强的 qiáng de strengtha great expanse of forest 一大片森林 at great speed 高速地 from a great height 从很高的地方 tortoises can live to a very great age 龟的寿命很长 usually attributive (large in quantity) 大量的 dàliàng de a greater proportion of houses 多数房子 the great majority of consumers 绝大多数消费者 a great deal (of) 许多(的) usually attributive (large in general size) 非常大的 fēicháng dà de great cliffs 巍峨的悬崖 a great shower of rain 一阵大雨 she heaved a great sigh of relief 她宽慰地长吁了一口气 attributive informal (as intensifier) you great buffoon! 你这个十足的小丑! nǐ zhège shízú de xiǎochǒu ! a great long list of do's and don'ts 长长的一串行为规范 (extreme) 强烈的 qiángliè de the heat is greatest at midday 正午时最热 the wind blew with great force 风刮得很猛 in great danger 处于极度危险中 (significant) 重大的 zhòngdà de change, improvement, progress; 显著的 xiǎnzhù de increase, decrease, difference, similarity usually attributive (intensely felt) 深切的 shēnqiè de emotion, needmy greatest fear is that … 我最担心的是… it is with great pleasure or the greatest pleasure that I … 我满怀热情地… it gives me great pleasure to … …使我感到非常愉快 usually attributive (considerably above average) 超乎寻常的 chāohū xúncháng de a matter of great importance 非常重要的事情 she had great difficulty (in) finding a seat 她找座位费了好大劲 to describe sth in greater detail 更详细地描述某物 I'm in no great hurry (to leave) 我不着急(离开) he's leaving — it's no great loss 他要走了──没什么大不了的 usually attributive (exceptionally competent) 杰出的 jiéchū de person, namegreat Scott! dated 好家伙! (important) (of people) 伟大的 wěidà de ; (of things) 重大的 zhòngdà de Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝 great and/or small 不论高低贵贱 a great occasion 盛大场面 the great day/moment arrived 重要的一天/时刻到来了 the company has a great future (ahead of it) 这家公司前途无量 the great wines of Bordeaux 著名的波尔多葡萄酒 the great houses of England 英格兰的豪门大宅 informal (excellent) 极好的 jí hǎo de what was the party like? — great! 晚会怎么样?──棒极了! it's great to be back! 回来的感觉真好! the town hall would be great as a venue 地点设在市政厅再好不过了 informal (healthy, happy) 健康的 jiànkāng de person; 良好的 liánghǎo de eyesight, hearingto feel great 感觉很好 to look great 气色不错 he had a great memory 他记性很好 she has a great eye for detail 她擅长观察细节 not to feel great about sth/doing sth 对某事/做某事感到不安 predicative informal (very attractive) to look great 很漂亮 hěn piàoliang to look great with sth «garment, accessory, colour» 与某物搭配起来很漂亮 yǔ mǒu wù dāpèi qilai hěn piàoliang informal (admirable, likeable) 可爱的 kě'ài de personshe's a great kid 她是个好孩子 it was great of them to lend us their caravan 他们把篷车借给我们用了,真好 to be great about sth; 对…很大度 he was great about the accident/misunderstanding/mistake 他对这次意外/误会/失误并不在意 usually attributive (enthusiastic) 痴迷的 chīmí de walker, swimmer, angler; 狂热的 kuángrè de fan, admirerhe's a great theatregoer 他热衷于去剧院看戏 her father's a great worrier 她父亲对什么事情都不放心 a great friend 密友 to be a great one for sth/doing sth informal 对某事/做某事非常感兴趣 informal (very talented) 出色的 chūsè de professionalto be great at sth/doing sth; 擅长某事/做某事 to be great on sth; 通晓某事 to be great with sth; 擅长应对某事 to be great with sb; 擅长和某人打交道 informal (very effective or suitable) 好用的 hǎoyòng de implement, gadget, tool; 有效的 yǒuxiào de medicine, method; 适宜的 shìyí de day, season, weather, place; 贴切的 tiēqiè de name, titleto be great for sth/doing sth; 适合某事/做某事 great … for sth/doing sth; 适合某事/做某事的… it's going to be a great weekend for fishing 这个周末会很适合钓鱼 this is a great place to keep the wine 这个地方很适合保存葡萄酒 usually attributive informal (favourable, convincing) 极好的 jí hǎo de opportunity, offer, idea, excuse attributive (in names of places, animals, plants) 大的 dà de [用于动植物名、地名、历史事件前]greater celandine 白屈菜 Great Russell Street 罗素大街 the Great Rift Valley 东非大裂谷 B. great- combining form (in family relationship) [用于家族中的称呼]great-grandmother (on grandfather's side) 曾祖母 zēngzǔmǔ (on grandmother's side) 曾外祖母 zēngwàizǔmǔ great-great-grandmother (on great-grandfather's side) 高祖母 (on great-grandmother's side) 高外祖母 gāowàizǔmǔ great-great-great-grandmother (on great-great-grandfather's side) 玄祖母 (on great-great-grandmother's side) 玄外祖母 xuánwàizǔmǔ C. adverb informal 很好地 hěn hǎo de I'm doing great 我很好 the machine's working great now 机器现在运转正常 everything's going great 一切进展顺利 D. noun plus plural verb (formal or literary) literary (great people) the great 伟人 wěirén the great and the good British ironic 大人物 dàrénwù informal (sb important) 要人 yàorén ; (sth important) 重要的事物 zhòngyào de shìwù he was one of snooker's all-time greats 他是一位空前的斯诺克巨星 one of the all-time greats of the silent screen 无声电影史上的巨作之一 greatest plus singular or plural verb the greatest 最伟大的人 zuì wěidà de rén we are the greatest! 我们是最棒的! wǒmen shì zuì bàng de ! E. exclamation informal (expressing pleasure) 好极了 hǎo jí le ironic (expressing displeasure) 真绝啊 zhēn jué ɑ it's raining — oh great, that's all I need! 下雨了──好啊,偏偏给我来这一场雨!




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