

词汇 how
how | BrE haʊ, AmE haʊ | A. adverb (enquiring about health, general situation, progress) 如何 rúhé [用以询问健康状况、大致情况或进展]how are you? 你好吗? how's your foot? 你的脚怎么样了? how did the exam go? 考试考得怎么样? how are things? 一切都好吗? how's it going? 情况如何? how do you do? formal (as greeting) 你好! (in what way, by what means) 怎样 zěnyàng [询问方式]how to do sth; 怎样做某事 how is it spelt? 它是怎么拼写的? how do you mean? 你是什么意思? he did not know how he ought to behave 他不懂规矩 (enquiring about enjoyment) 怎样 zěnyàng [询问是否愉快]how was the film/book? 电影/书好看吗? how did you like the party/house? 你觉得聚会/这房子好吗? (in questions about number, quantity) 多少 duōshao ; (in questions about degree) 多么 duōme how much can you eat? 你能吃多少? how many do you want? 你要多少个? how long is the rope? 绳子有多长? how big is the garden? 这座花园有多大? how old are you? 你几岁了? (in exclamations) how horrible! 真可怕! zhēn kěpà ! how I dislike her! 我很讨厌她! wǒ hěn tǎoyàn tā ! how you've grown! 你长得真高! nǐ zhǎng de zhēn gāo ! (expressing annoyance, disbelief) 怎么 zěnme [表示生气、疑惑]how could you? after all I've done for you! 我为你做了这么多,你怎么能这样! how can he say that? 他怎么能说那种话? how is it that …? 怎么会…呢? B. conjunction (that, the way in which) you know how he always arrives late 你知道他总是迟到 it's funny how people always remember him 奇怪的是人们总是记着他 (in whatever way) 以任何方式 yǐ rènhé fāngshì you can dress how you like 你随便穿什么衣服都行 C. and how adverb phrase informal 当然了 dāngrán le did you miss me? — and how! 你想我了吗?──太想了! did your mother tell you off? — and how! 你妈妈训你了吗?──可不是么! D. how come adverb phrase informal 为什么 wèishénme how come you always arrive first? 你为什么总是第一个到? E. how so adverb phrase 怎么会 zěnme huì he refused — how so? 他拒绝了──怎么会呢? F. how's that adverb phrase informal (what do you think) 怎么样 zěnmeyàng I'll take you home, how's that? 我送你回家,如何? I'll tuck you in; how's that? comfortable? 我来给你掖一掖被子,怎么样?舒服吗? how's that for an interesting job? 这份工作够有趣吧? (why) 为什么 wèishénme (pardon) 你说什么 nǐ shuō shénme he's called Nicholas — how's that? 他叫尼古拉斯──叫什么? G. noun 方法 fāngfǎ the how and the why of sth 某事的方法和原因




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