

词汇 howl
howl | BrE haʊl, AmE haʊl | A. noun (of animal) 长嚎 chángháo to let out or give a howl 发出一声嗥叫 (of person) 喊叫声 hǎnjiào shēng a howl of pain/rage 一阵痛苦/愤怒的喊叫 howls of protest/laughter 阵阵抗议的呼声/大笑 (of wind) 怒号 nùháo (of electronic device) 啸鸣 xiàomíng B. intransitive verb «dog, wolf» 嚎叫 háojiào «baby, person» 叫喊 jiàohǎn ; «monster» 吼叫 hǒujiào to howl with rage/terror 怒吼/惊嚎 to howl with laughter 大笑 «wind» 怒号 nùháo listen to the gale howling in the trees 倾听风在树丛中的呼啸 «electronic device» 啸鸣 xiàomíng PHRASAL VERB howl down transitive verb [howl sb down, howl down sb] «audience, crowd» 以怒吼声压倒 yǐ nùhǒu shēng yādǎo speaker, politician




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