

词汇 hug
hug | BrE hʌɡ, AmE həɡ | A. transitive verb present participle hugging past tense, past participle hugged (embrace) 拥抱 yōngbào person; 抱着 bàozhe toy (hold tightly) 抱紧 bàojǐn (fit tightly) «trousers, jeans, dress» 紧裹 jǐn guǒ figure-hugging 紧身的 (keep close to) 紧挨着 jǐn āizhe shore, ground, boundaryto hug the coast/walls 紧靠海岸/墙壁 B. to hug oneself reflexive verb present participle hugging past tense, past participle hugged 沾沾自喜 zhānzhān zì xǐ C. noun 拥抱 yōngbào to give sb a hug; 拥抱某人 a bear hug 熊抱




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