

词汇 hem
hem1 | BrE hɛm, AmE hɛm | A. noun Clothing (bottom edge) 下摆 xiàbǎi ; (folded material) 褶边 zhěbiān to take up/let down the hem on (a garment) (把衣服)改短/改长 B. transitive verb present participle hemming past tense, past participle hemmed 缝…的褶边 féng… de zhěbiān PHRASAL VERB hem in transitive verb [hem sb/sth in, hem in sb/sth] literal 把…围起来 bǎ… wéi qilai the troops hemmed us in 军队把我们团团围住 a park hemmed in by oaks 橡树环绕的公园 figurative 限制 xiànzhì he felt hemmed in (by convention) 他感觉受到(社会习俗的)束缚




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