

词汇 bell
bell | BrE bɛl, AmE bɛl | noun (on bicycle, for servant, in school etc.) líng ; (in church) zhōng ; (on cow, toy, cat) 铃铛 língdang to ring the bells 摇铃 as clear as a bell figurative 如铃声般清脆 as sound as a bell figurative 身体棒极了 to ring a bell figurative informal 听起来耳熟 (buzzer) 蜂鸣器 fēngmíngqì (warning device) 警铃 jǐnglíng British informal (phone call) to give sb a bell 给某人打个电话 gěi mǒu rén dǎ gè diànhuà Nautical 船钟 chuánzhōng [每隔半小时鸣钟一次]to ring eight bells 敲响八击钟 (in boxing) 铃声 língshēng




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