

词汇 herd
herd | BrE həːd, AmE hərd | A. noun countable (group of animals) 兽群 shòuqún a herd of cattle 一群牛 countable derogatory (group of people) 人群 rénqún a herd of joggers 一群慢跑者 uncountable (ordinary people) 民众 mínzhòng the common herd 普通百姓 to follow the herd 随大溜 B. transitive verb (drive) «person, dog» 把…赶在一起 bǎ… gǎn zài yīqǐ animals, peoplethey herded the prisoners into one room 他们把犯人赶进了一间屋子 (keep or look after) 放牧 fàngmù the boy was herding goats 男孩在放山羊 C. intransitive verb 成群移动 chéngqún yídòng to herd into sth; 成群进入某处




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