

词汇 fruit
fruit | BrE fruːt, AmE frut | A. noun countable and uncountable (edible seed, seeds) 水果 shuǐguǒ tropical fruits 热带水果 to grow fruit; 种植水果 to be in or bear fruit; 结水果 a piece of fruit 一块水果 have some fruit 吃一些水果 the fruits of the earth 大地的果实 countable (of other plants) 果实 guǒshí countable figurative (result) 成果 chéngguǒ to bear fruit; 取得成果 the fruit(s) of one's labours/of victory 劳动成果/胜利果实 the fruit of their union literary 他们团结的产物 B. intransitive verb «tree» 结果 jiēguǒ




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