

词汇 fumble
fumble | BrE ˈfʌmb(ə)l, AmE ˈfəmbəl | A. transitive verb (fluff, bungle) 笨拙地做 bènzhuō de zuò I fumbled my opening speech 我把开场白念得结结巴巴 to fumble one's entrance/answer 跌跌撞撞地进来/结结巴巴地回答 Sport 漏接 lòujiē ball, throwB. intransitive verb (fiddle clumsily) 笨拙地做事 bènzhuō de zuòshì to fumble for/with sth; 笨手笨脚地摸寻/摆弄某物 figurative (search for words) 笨嘴拙舌地说话 bèn zuǐ zhuō shé de shuōhuà to fumble for words 结结巴巴找话说 PHRASAL VERB fumble about, fumble around intransitive verb 笨拙地摸索 bènzhuō de mōsuǒ to fumble about in … 笨手笨脚地在…中摸索 bag, drawer




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