

词汇 funny
funny | BrE ˈfʌni, AmE ˈfəni | adjective (amusing) 滑稽的 huájī de person, joke, storyvery funny! ironic 真好笑! don't try anything funny 别玩鬼花样 don't try to be funny! 别开玩笑! don't get funny with me! 不要对我无礼! it's not funny 这可不是儿戏 (odd) 古怪的 gǔguài de person, idea, noiseit's funny that …; 真奇怪,… there's something funny about …; …有点蹊跷 funny peculiar or funny ha-ha? 是稀奇古怪还是滑稽可笑? informal (unwell) 稍有不适的 shāo yǒu bùshì de to feel funny 感到有点不舒服 to come over all funny; 感到头晕目眩




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