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词汇 further
further | BrE ˈfəːðə, AmE ˈfərðər | A. adverb comparative form of far (to or at a greater distance in space or time) 更远 gèng yuǎn further back/forward; 再往后/前 further away or off; 更远 gèng yuǎn to get further and further away 越来越远 further north/south 再往北/南 I can't go any further 我再也走不动了 how much further is it? 还有多远? the train doesn't go further than Bath 火车最远只到巴斯 a little further on 再往前一点 they ventured further into the jungle 他们冒险深入丛林 we must look further ahead 我们必须目光放得再长远一点 further back than 1964 早在1964年以前 a year further on 又过了一年后 (at or to a more advanced point) 进一步 jìnyībù to go further (proceed) 走得更远 (say more, develop argument) 进一步说 (last longer) 持续更久 (serve more people) 供更多人食用 I haven't read further than page twenty 我只读到20页 to get further with the project 在这个项目上取得进展 as a family we grew further and further apart 我们一家人越来越疏远了 to sink further into debt 更深地陷入债务 your secret will go no further or won't go any further 你的秘密不会外泄 I'll go so far but no further 我就讲这么多,不多说了 to take sth further (take more serious action) 对某事采取进一步行动 (speak to sb at a higher level) 向上级反映某事 to take the matter further 进一步探讨这个问题 nothing could be further from the truth 事实远非如此 nothing could be further from my mind 我绝无此意 (to a greater extent, even more) 在更大程度上 zài gèng dà chéngdù shang she was further annoyed by his refusal to pay 他拒不付款使得她更加恼怒了 formal (in addition, furthermore) 此外 cǐwài the company further agrees to … 公司还同意… further, I must say that … 此外,我必须说… B. adjective attributive comparative form of far (more distant, other) 更远的 gèng yuǎn de the further end of the street 街的那一头 the further side of the road/river 路的那一边/河对岸 (additional) 进一步的 jìnyībù de reforms; 更多的 gèng duō de changes, increases, questionsa further 500 people 另外的500人 it will take a further month 还要花一个月时间 to take no further action 不采取进一步行动 the museum is closed until further notice 博物馆闭馆,开馆时间另行通知 C. transitive verb 推动 tuīdòng plan; 促进 cùjìn cooperation; 进一步发展 jìnyībù fāzhǎn career; 增加 zēngjiā chancesD. further to preposition phrase formal 关于 guānyú further to your letter of 2nd May 按你方5月2日来函




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