

词汇 hurl
hurl | BrE həːl, AmE hərl | A. transitive verb (throw) 猛扔 měng rēng book, stone, ball; 用力推 yònglì tuī personto hurl sth at or against/through … 向…用力扔某物/通过…将某物抛出 she was hurled through the windscreen 她被从挡风玻璃处抛出来 (direct) 大声说出 dàshēng shuōchū to hurl insults/accusations at sb 厉声辱骂/谴责某人 B. to hurl oneself reflexive verb (throw oneself, jump) to hurl oneself against or at or into sb/sth; 扑向某人/某物 pū xiàng mǒu rén/mǒu wù he hurled himself into his work figurative 他全身心投入工作




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