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词汇 inch
inch | BrE ɪn(t)ʃ, AmE ɪn(t)ʃ | A. noun (measurement) 英寸 yīngcùn 8 inches of rain/snow; 8英寸的降雨量/降雪量 figurative (small amount) 少许 shǎoxǔ inch by inch 一点一点地 I cannot see an inch 我一点儿也看不见 to be within an inch of death or one's life 险些丧命 to miss being run over by inches 险些被碾压 to know every inch of sth 对某事物了如指掌 she won't give or budge an inch 她不会作出丝毫让步 he's every inch an aristocrat 他是个地地道道的贵族 give him an inch and he will take a mile 他会得寸进尺 B. intransitive verb 缓慢移动 huǎnmàn yídòng to inch towards sth 向某物缓慢移动 to inch one's way along/across sth 一点一点地沿某处前行/穿过某处 C. transitive verb 使缓慢移动 shǐ huǎnmàn yídòng to inch sth in/out etc.; 慢慢将某物挪进来/挪出去等 PHRASAL VERB inch up intransitive verb «inflation, interest rate, price» 缓慢上升 huǎnmàn shàngshēng




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