

词汇 incident
incident | BrE ˈɪnsɪd(ə)nt, AmE ˈɪnsəd(ə)nt | A. noun countable (event in life or narrative) 发生的事 fāshēng de shì several amusing incidents 几桩趣事 uncountable (drama, excitement) 枝节 zhī jié without incident 平安无事 to be full of incident 充满波折 countable (disturbance) 暴力事件 bàolì shìjiàn ; (between countries) 冲突 chōngtū a border/diplomatic/stabbing incident 边境冲突/外交冲突/持刀伤人事件 B. adjective formal to be incident on sth (result from) 由某事物导致 yóu mǒu shìwù dǎozhì the pains incident to growing up 成长的烦恼 chéngzhǎng de fánnǎo Physics 入射的 rùshè de light, ray, beam




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