

词汇 pulp
pulp | BrE pʌlp, AmE pəlp | A. noun uncountable (of fruit) 果肉 guǒròu (of tooth) 牙髓 yásuǐ the pulp cavity 牙腔 (crushed mass) jiāng to mash to or into (a) pulp 捣成浆 to reduce or crush sth to a pulp 把某物压成浆 to reduce or crush the garlic to a pulp 把大蒜碾成泥 to beat sb to a pulp figurative informal 把某人打得稀巴烂 derogatory (trashy books) 粗制滥造的书籍 cū zhì làn zào de shūjí B. transitive verb (crush) 把…捣成浆 bǎ… dǎochéng jiāng berries, vegetables; (withdraw and recycle) 把…化成纸浆 bǎ… huàchéng zhǐjiāng books, newspapers




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