

词汇 devote
devote | BrE dɪˈvəʊt, AmE dəˈvoʊt | transitive verb (use) 把…专用于 bǎ… zhuānyòng yú time, energies, journalistic piece, moneyto devote sth to sth/doing sth; 把某物用于某事/做某事 they devoted all their thoughts to escaping 他们光想着逃跑了 a chapter devoted to … 专门讨论…的一章 (dedicate) 奉献 fèngxiàn to devote sth to sb; 把某物奉献给某人 to devote sth to sth/doing sth 把某物奉献给某事/做某事 she devoted her life to her career/helping the poor 她一生致力于事业/帮助穷人 to devote oneself to sth/doing sth 献身于某事/做某事




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