

词汇 rage
rage | BrE reɪdʒ, AmE reɪdʒ | A. noun countable and uncountable (anger) 狂怒 kuángnù trembling/white/red with rage 气得发抖/脸色发白/涨红了脸 to be in or fly into a rage 勃然大怒 countable informal (fashion) 时尚 shíshàng to be all the rage 风靡一时 it's all the rage in Paris 这是巴黎非常流行的东西 B. intransitive verb (be angry) 发怒 fānù she raged against the cruelty 她怒斥这种残酷行为 (continue strongly) «storm» 肆虐 sìnüè ; «argument, battle» 激烈进行 jīliè jìnxíng (spread rapidly) 蔓延 mànyán fire raged through the building 大火在楼内蔓延




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