

词汇 meet
meet | BrE miːt, AmE mit | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle met (encounter) (by chance) 遇见 yùjiàn ; (by arrangement) 和…会面 hé… huìmiàn ; Sport 与…比赛 yǔ… bǐsài ; Military 与…交战 yǔ… jiāozhàn meet me on the corner in an hour 一小时后和我在街角见面 a terrible scene met their eyes as they entered the room 他们进屋时看到了一幅可怕的景象 to meet sb halfway 和某人妥协 East meets West in this fascinating city 东西方文化在这座迷人的城市里交汇 (experience, encounter) 经历 jīnglì difficulty, disasterto meet one's death/fate 死去/送命 to meet one's Waterloo 遭到惨败 (make the acquaintance of) 与…相识 yǔ… xiāngshí pleased to meet you! 很高兴认识你! nice to meet you 认识你真高兴 [用于相见时]nice to have met you 能认识你很高兴 [用于告别时]she took him to meet her parents 她带他去见父母 Jay, meet Pete US 杰伊,这是皮特 to meet one's Maker 见上帝 (greet, await) jiē person, means of transportshe met her guests at the door 她在门口迎接客人 I'll be there to meet you off British or at US the bus 我会到汽车站去接你 a courtesy bus meets all incoming flights 所有进港航班的乘客都有免费班车来接 (come into contact with) 与…相碰 yǔ… xiāngpèng hand, vehiclethe track meets the road by a derelict cottage 小径与公路交接之处有一间破旧的小屋 they met an oncoming car head-on 他们与一辆汽车迎头相撞 his eyes/lips met hers 他和她的目光/两唇相接 to meet sb's eye or gaze 直视某人 more than meets the eye 并不像看到的那么简单 (fulfil) 满足 mǎnzú demand, need, order; 满足…的需求 mǎnzú… de xūqiú person; 达到 dádào goal, wish, criterion; 应对 yìngduì challengeto meet the case British 符合要求 (pay) 支付 zhīfù cost, bill Business (match) 和…意见一致 hé… yìjiàn yīzhì person, company; 和…一致 hé… yīzhì offerthe product is fine, but can we meet him on price? 产品很不错,但是我们能接受他开出的价格吗? B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle met (come together) (from opposite directions) «people, vehicles» 相遇 xiāngyù ; (by arrangement) 见面 jiànmiàn ; Sport «teams, opponents» 比赛 bǐsài ; Military «armies, enemies» 交战 jiāozhàn (assemble) «committee, parliament» 开会 kāihuì ; «individuals, group» 集合 jíhé (make acquaintance) 相识 xiāngshí I've a feeling we have met somewhere before 我觉得我们以前在什么地方见过 (come into contact) «lines, roads» 相汇 xiānghuì ; «vehicles» 相撞 xiāngzhuàng ; «eyes» 相遇 xiāngyù ; «belt» 扣上 kòu shang their hands/lips met 他们拉了手/接了吻 this skirt/these trousers won't meet (round the middle)! 这条裙子/裤子系不上(腰)! to meet head on 迎头相撞 to make (both) ends meet (live within one's means) 量入为出 (make just enough money to live on) 勉强维持生计 C. noun Sport 运动会 yùndònghuì a track/track-and-field meet 田赛/田径运动会 a swim or swimming meet 游泳比赛 British (hunt) [打猎前猎人和猎犬的] 集合 jíhé PHRASAL VERBS meet up intransitive verb (get together) 见面 jiànmiàn to meet up with sb; 与某人见面 (join, intersect) «roads» 交汇 jiāohuì to meet up with sth; 与…交汇 roadmeet with: transitive verb [meet with sb] (have meeting with) 和…会晤 hé… huìwù person, delegation[meet with sth] (encounter) 遭遇 zāoyù opposition, criticism, obstacle, difficulty; 受到 shòudào praiseshe met with much suspicion at first 起初她受到了很大怀疑 his ideas/comments met with no response 他的想法/评论没有得到回应 his speech was met with cries of outrage 他的讲话招来了愤怒的喊声 to meet with success/failure 获得成功/遭到失败




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