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词汇 kick
kick | BrE kɪk, AmE kɪk | A. transitive verb (strike) to kick sb on or in sth; 踢中某人的某部位 he kicked me on the shin 他踢到了我的胫骨 to kick sb in the teeth figurative informal 使某人受到重创 (propel) 踢走 tīzǒu to kick sth away; 把某物踢走 to kick sb/sth down the stairs/over a wall/under the bed 把某人/某物踢下楼梯/踢过墙/踢到床下 he kicked dust into my face 他把尘土踢到了我脸上 to kick the ball into touch (in rugby) 把球踢出边线 (create by striking) 踢出 tīchū hole, dentto kick a hole in sth 在某物上踢出一个洞 (flail) 踢腾 tīteng feetto kick one's legs in the air «baby, dancer» 踢腿 tītuǐ (in rugby) 踢…球得分 tī… qiú défēn to kick two conversions/penalties 踢两个触地/罚球得分 informal (give up) to kick the habit 戒除恶习 jièchú èxí US slang to kick (some) ass (act forcefully) 用强硬手段摆平 yòng qiángyìng shǒuduàn bǎipíng that soundtrack really kicks ass (be excellent) 那配乐真棒 nà pèiyuè zhēn bàng B. intransitive verb (strike) to kick at sb/sth; 向某人/某物踢去 alive and kicking «person» 活蹦乱跳的 bigotry is still alive and kicking 偏执思想仍大行其道 Sport (propel ball) 踢球 tīqiú to kick for touch (in rugby) 把球踢出边线 (move legs) 踢腿 tītuǐ to kick hard with one's feet 奋力踢腿 to kick for home «athlete, swimmer, racehorse» 向终点冲刺 (recoil) 后冲 hòuchōng this gun really kicks when you fire it 这支枪射击时后坐力很大 C. to kick oneself reflexive verb informal 自责 zìzé to kick oneself for doing sth; 懊悔做某事 àohuǐ zuò mǒu shì D. noun countable (blow with foot) to give sb/sth a kick 踢某人/某物一脚 to get a kick on the shin (from sb/a horse) 被(某人/马)踢到胫骨 a kick up the backside or in the pants informal literal 对屁股的一踢 figurative 突如其来的猛力鞭策 tū rú qí lái de měnglì biāncè to deserve a good kick up the backside 应该受敲打 a kick in the teeth figurative informal (rebuff) 使人丢脸的回绝 (setback) 重挫 countable Sport 踢球 tīqiú to blast the kick wide 踢大脚球 to aim a kick at goal 射门 countable (leg movement) (of swimmer) 蹬水 dēngshuǐ ; (of dancer) 踢腿 tītuǐ countable informal (thrill) 极大的乐趣 jídà de lèqù to get a kick out of or from sth/doing sth 从某事物/做某事中得到极大乐趣 to do sth for kicks 做某事寻求刺激 to give sb a kick 给某人带来极大乐趣 uncountable and countable informal (strong effect) 刺激性 cìjīxìng a drink with a lot of kick in it 劲儿大的酒 uncountable informal (vigour) 活力 huólì he still has plenty of kick in him 他仍然活力十足 countable informal (craze) 一时的狂热 yīshí de kuángrè to be on a health-food kick 心血来潮热衷于健康食品 uncountable and countable (of firearm) 后冲 hòuchōng this gun has quite a kick 这支枪后坐力很大 PHRASAL VERBS kick about transitive verb = kick aroundkick against transitive verb [kick against sb/sth] 竭力反抗 jiélì fǎnkàng parents, systemto kick against the rules 违反规则 kick around A. [kick sth around] transitive verb (play with) 把…踢着玩 bǎ… tīzhe wán toyto kick a ball around 踢球玩 (discuss) 随便谈谈 suíbiàn tántán idea(treat badly) 粗暴对待 cūbào duìdài I won't be kicked around by anyone 我不会让任何人欺负的 (treat roughly) 胡乱摆弄 húluàn bǎinòng books, toysB. [kick around sth] transitive verb informal (wander around) 在…四处游荡 zài… sìchù yóudàng town, school(lie unused in) 被闲置在 bèi xiánzhì zài house, gardenC. intransitive verb informal (wander) 四处游荡 sìchù yóudàng (lie unused) 被闲置 bèi xiánzhì there's a pen kicking around on my desk 我的桌上有一支多余的钢笔 (exist) 存在 cúnzài that idea's been kicking around for years 那个想法都提出好几年了 kick back intransitive verb (recoil) «firearm» 反冲 fǎnchōng (mainly US) informal (relax) 放松 fàngsōng kick down transitive verb [kick sth down, kick down sth] 踢倒 tīdǎo door, barrierkick in: A. transitive verb [kick sth in, kick in sth] (smash in) 踢破 tīpò door, boxkick sb's teeth or face in informal 猛揍某人 [kick in sth] US informal (contribute) 捐出 juānchū money, amountB. intransitive verb informal (start working) «machinery» 开始运转 kāishǐ yùnzhuǎn ; «regulation» 开始生效 kāishǐ shēngxiào the reforms will kick in later this year 改革将于今年晚些时候开始推行 US (contribute) 捐助 juānzhù kick off A. intransitive verb Sport 开球 kāiqiú to kick off with sth informal (start) 从某事物开始 cóng mǒu shìwù kāishǐ to kick off with a few comments 先说几点意见 xiān shuō jǐ diǎn yìjiàn B. transitive verb [kick off sth, kick sth off] (remove) 踢掉 tīdiào shoesinformal (start) 开始 kāishǐ event, tour, discussionto kick off the season with … 以…开始本赛季的比赛 kick out transitive verb [kick sb out, kick out sb] informal (eject) 撵出 niǎnchū intruder, troublemaker, drunk(expel, dismiss) 开除 kāichú member, employeekick out at transitive verb [kick out at sb/sth] literal 猛踢 měng tī she kicked out at her attacker 她猛踢袭击她的人 figurative (rebel against) 对…反应强烈 duì… fǎnyìng qiángliè to kick out at the injustices of the government 强烈质疑政府的不公正行为 kick over transitive verb [kick sth over, kick over sth] 踢翻 tīfān vase, bucketkick up transitive verb [kick up sth] 踢起 tīqǐ dirt, dustto kick up clouds of dust 踢得尘土飞扬 to kick up a fuss or stink about sb/sth figurative informal 就某人/某事物起哄




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