

词汇 kill
kill | BrE kɪl, AmE kɪl | A. transitive verb (cause to die) 杀死 shāsǐ to kill sb/sth with a weapon/with poison; 用武器杀死/毒药毒死某人/某物 to be killed by sb/sth; 被某人/某事物杀死 she was killed by the disease 她死于这种疾病 to be killed in a fire/accident; 在火灾/事故中遇难 to be killed in action or battle 战死 to be killed outright 当场死亡 (even) if it kills me! informal 不管有多难! I could have killed her! informal 我恨不得杀了她! to kill sb/sth with kindness 宠坏某人/某物 goose A1; to kill two birds with one stone proverb 一石二鸟 usually present participle informal (cause discomfort) 使极不舒服 shǐ jí bù shūfu my feet are killing me 我的脚疼死了 the suspense is killing me 这悬念让我坐立不安 (destroy) 扼杀 èshā interest; 毁灭 huǐmiè hopes; 破坏 pòhuài feeling; 使…无法进行 shǐ… wúfǎ jìnxíng conversationto kill sb's chances/appetite 使某人失去机会/没了胃口 (stop) 否决 fǒujué project, proposal; 撤销 chèxiāo bill, law; 挫败 cuòbài attempt; 阻止…流传 zǔzhǐ… liúchuán story, rumour (deaden) 消除 xiāochú to kill the pain/sound/smell 止痛/消音/除味 informal (overexert) «action» 使过度疲累 shǐ guòdù pílèi it won't or wouldn't kill sb (to do sth) 对某人来说(做某事)没有什么大不了的 informal (turn off) 关掉 guāndiào machine, light informal (delete) 删去 shānqù line, file informal (spend) to kill time (doing sth) (做某事)消磨时间 (zuò mǒu shì)xiāomó shíjiān I have two hours to kill 我有两个小时需要打发 informal (amuse) 使笑个不停 shǐ xiào gè bù tíng you kill me! the things you say! 你说的那些话笑死我了! B. intransitive verb 致死 zhìsǐ tiredness while driving can kill 疲劳驾驶会出人命的 a murderer who kills in cold blood 冷血杀手 C. to kill oneself reflexive verb 自杀 ; figurative informal 使自己精疲力竭 shǐ zìjǐ jīng pí lì jié to kill oneself doing or to do sth; 拼命做某事 don't kill yourself! ironic 可别累着自己! to kill oneself laughing British 笑得缓不过劲儿来 D. noun (slaughter) 杀死 shāsǐ to make a kill 杀死猎物 to close in or move in or go in for the kill literal 逼近以杀死 figurative 采取果断行动以求达到目的 cǎiqǔ guǒduàn xíngdòng yǐ qiú dádào mùdì to be in at the kill literal 猎物被杀时在场 figurative 获胜时在场 huòshèng shí zàichǎng (prey) 猎获物 lièhuòwù lions feeding on their kill 正在吃猎物的狮子 PHRASAL VERB kill off transitive verb [kill off sth/sb, kill sth/sb off] (destroy) 大量杀死 dàliàng shāsǐ pests, species; 大量毁掉 dàliàng huǐdiào crops(murder) 屠杀 túshā personto kill off the heroine figurative 让女主人公死去 informal (destroy) 使…停止 shǐ… tíngzhǐ project, scheme; 消灭 xiāomiè opposition




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