

词汇 kit
kit | BrE kɪt, AmE kɪt | noun countable (set of tools) 成套工具 chéngtào gōngjù a survival kit 救生包 countable and uncountable British (gear) 全套装备 quántào zhuāngbèi ; (clothes) 全套服装 quántào fúzhuāng to get one's kit off informal 脱光衣服 countable (set of parts for assembly) 配套组件 pèitào zǔjiàn in kit form 以成套组件形式 uncountable Military 装备 zhuāngbèi in full kit 全副武装 kit inspection 装备检查 PHRASAL VERB kit out transitive verb [kit out sb/sth, kit sb/sth out] British 使装备齐全 shǐ zhuāngbèi qíquán




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