

词汇 new
new | BrE njuː, AmE n(j)u | A. adjective (not known, seen, owned etc. before) 新的 xīn de to be dressed in the newest fashion 穿着最时髦的衣服 a new baby 新生儿 as good as new literal (of things) 完好如新 figurative (of parts of human body) 恢复如初 huīfù rúchū child's cot for sale — as new 出售童床──几乎全新 nearly new 九成新的 to start each question on a new sheet of paper 每个问题另起一页 that's nothing new 这没什么新意 what's new? 有什么新情况吗? that's a new one on me 这我还是头一回听说 to be new to sb; «subject, idea» 对某人来说是陌生的 (recently arrived) 新来的 xīn lái de member, recruita new boy/girl 新来的男生/女生 the new intake 新进人员 we're new to the area 我们初来此地 (renewed, changed) 新派的 xīnpài de man, womanthe new Left/rich 新左翼/新贵 new realism/economics 新现实主义/新经济学 (latest) 新型的 xīnxíng de (harvested early) 新鲜的 xīnxiān de potatoesB. adverb 新近的 xīnjìn de a new-built house 新造的房子 new-laid egg 刚下的蛋




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