

词汇 plonk
plonk | BrE plɒŋk, AmE plɑŋk | informal A. noun countable (sound) 扑通声 pūtōng shēng uncountable British (cheap wine) 廉价酒 liánjià jiǔ ; (poor quality wine) 劣质酒 lièzhì jiǔ B. adverb 扑通一声 pūtōng yī shēng drop, fallC. transitive verb 重重放下 zhòngzhòng fàngxia she plonked the shopping (down) on the floor 她嘭地一下把买来的东西扔在地板上 PHRASAL VERBS plonk away intransitive verb informal 胡乱弹奏 húluàn tánzòu [尤指弹钢琴] plonk down transitive verb [plonk sth down] informal 重重放下 zhòngzhòng fàngxia to plonk oneself down; 重重坐下 she plonked herself down in the armchair 她一屁股坐在扶手椅上




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