

词汇 plot
plot | BrE plɒt, AmE plɑt | A. noun (piece of ground) 小块土地 xiǎokuài tǔdì a plot of land 一块地 a vegetable plot 一块菜地 a cemetery plot 一块墓地 (conspiracy) 密谋 mìmóu an assassination plot 暗杀阴谋 (narrative of novel, film, play) 情节 qíngjié I couldn't follow the plot 我搞不明白故事情节 the plot thickens 情况变得复杂起来 B. transitive verb present participle plotting past tense, past participle plotted (secretly plan) 密谋 mìmóu to plot to do sth; 暗中策划做某事 (make plan of) 设计…的方案 shèjì… de fāng'àn ; (map) 绘制…的平面图 huìzhì… de píngmiàntú they have plotted a way forward for company expansion 他们为公司设计好了一条扩张之路 (chart) 在图上标绘出 zài tú shang biāo huì chū course, position, progress (on graph) 绘制 huìzhì curve; 标定 biāodìng point, figureC. intransitive verb present participle plotting past tense, past participle plotted 密谋 mìmóu to plot against the government 密谋反政府




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