

词汇 plump
plump2 | BrE plʌmp, AmE pləmp | A. transitive verb (drop suddenly) 重重放下 zhòngzhòng fàngxia he plumped his suitcase (down) on the bed 他把手提箱摔到了床上 B. adverb (suddenly) 突然 tūrán ; (heavily) 沉重地 chénzhòng de he sat down plump on the bed 他一屁股坐在床上 PHRASAL VERBS plump down transitive verb [plump sth down, plump down sth] informal 重重放下 zhòngzhòng fàngxia to plump oneself down 扑通坐下 he plumped himself down on the sofa 他一屁股坐在沙发上 plump for transitive verb [plump for sth] informal 选中 xuǎnzhòng he plumped for the grilled plaice instead of the steak 他要了烤比目鱼而不是牛排




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