

词汇 knee
knee | BrE niː, AmE ni | A. noun Anatomy (joint) 膝关节 xīguānjié to fall to or on to one's knees; 跪下 on bended knee(s) 跪着 to go weak at the knees 两腿发软 the strike brought the country to its knees 罢工使国家陷入瘫痪 (lap) [坐下时] 大腿朝上的面 dàtuǐ cháo shàng de miàn to learn at one's mother's knee 在孩提时期学习 to put a child over or across one's knee 把小孩脸朝下放在腿上打屁股 (part of garment) [裤子的] 膝部 xībù B. transitive verb 用膝盖撞击 yòng xīgài zhuàngjī to knee sb in the groin 用膝盖顶某人的下身




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