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词汇 knock
knock | BrE nɒk, AmE nɑk | A. transitive verb (strike) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng to knock one's head/arm on sth 把头/胳膊碰到某物上 to knock the egg against the side of the bowl 在碗沿上把鸡蛋磕开 (collide with) = knock into (tap with knuckles or tool) 敲打 qiāodǎ to knock sth on the head British figurative (stop) 阻止…实施 plan 扼杀 èshā hope (disprove) 打破 dǎpò myth, beliefto knock sb's suggestion on the head 对某人的建议横加指责 (stun) 打昏 dǎhūn to knock sb unconscious or cold or senseless 打昏某人 (cause to move) 敲动 qiāodòng ; (cause to fall) 碰落 pèngluò to knock sb/sth to the ground/floor 把某人/某物撞倒在地 to knock sb/sth flying/overboard 把某人/某物击飞/打下船 to knock sb flat 把某人打倒在地 to knock sb/sth across/over/down/into sth; 把某人/某物打到某物的对面/另一面/下面/里面 to knock a ball over the wall 把球打过墙 to knock a peg into the ground 把桩子砸进地里 to knock a ball back and forth 来来回回地打球 to knock sb/sth against sth; 使某人/某物撞到某物上 to knock sb/sth off/out of sth; 把某人/某物从某物上撞落/撞出某物 to knock sb/sth out of the way 把某人/某物推到一边 the blow knocked me off balance or off my feet 这一下把我给撞倒了 (produce by hitting) to knock a hole/dent in sth 在某物上凿出一个洞/撞出一个凹痕 to knock two rooms into one British 把两间房打通 figurative informal (beat) 打击 dǎjī to knock some sense/politeness into sb 迫使某人变得理智些/学得礼貌些 to knock sth off/out of sb/sth; 迫使某人/某事物停止某事物 I'll knock that smile off his face! 我去揍他,看他还笑得出来! informal (criticize) [尤指不公正地] 批评 pīpíng she's always knocking the way I look 她总是对我的外表评头论足 to knock modern art 对现代艺术横加指责 don't knock it! humorous 嘴下留情啊! B. intransitive verb (to call attention) qiāo to knock on or at sth; qiāo door, window (bang) 发出碰撞声 fāchū pèngzhuàng shēng Motor Vehicles «engine» 突突响 tūtū xiǎng figurative (in fear) «knees» 打颤 dǎzhàn ; «heart» 怦怦跳 pēngpēng tiào C. noun (to call attention) 敲击声 qiāojī shēng a knock at or on sth; 敲在…上的声音 door, windowto give sb a knock (to awaken) 敲门叫醒某人 knock! knock! 当当当!当当当! (blow) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng to get a knock on the head 撞了一下头 to give the ball quite a knock 用力击球 to give the car a bit of a knock 刮碰到汽车 figurative (setback) 打击 dǎjī to take the knocks 承受打击 it gave his confidence a knock 这件事打击了他的信心 PHRASAL VERBS knock about transitive or intransitive verb British = knock aroundknock against transitive verb [knock against sb/sth] 撞上 zhuàngshang to knock against each other «bottles» 互相碰撞 knock around informal A. [knock sth around] transitive verb (damage) 粗暴使用 cūbào shǐyòng to knock the furniture around 对家具不爱惜 Sport to knock the ball around 把球踢来踢去 bǎ qiú tī lái tī qù (discuss) 非正式讨论 fēizhèngshì tǎolùn ideaB. [knock around sth] transitive verb (wander) 在…闲逛 zài… xiánguàng areatrousers for knocking around the house in 家居裤 British (be lying around in) «object» 放在 fàng zài houseC. [knock sb around] transitive verb (beat) 虐待 nüèdài personto knock sb around a bit 折磨某人 D. intransitive verb (wander) 闲逛 xiánguàng he's knocked around a bit 他游历甚广 British (be present) 在…地方 zài… dìfang where's Jane? — she's knocking around somewhere 简在哪里?──她就在附近 to knock around together; 一起厮混 to knock around with sb; 常与某人厮混 knock back A. [knock back sth, knock sth back] transitive verb Sport 把…打回去 bǎ… dǎ huiqu ballinformal (drink) 猛喝 měng hē to knock back a couple of pints of beer 猛喝几品脱啤酒 B. [knock sb back] transitive verb informal (cost) to knock sb back £50; 花了某人50英镑 huā le mǒu rén 5 0 yīngbàng the court case knocked me back a year's salary 这场官司花了我一年的薪水 British (surprise) 使吃惊 shǐ chījīng knock down transitive verb [knock sb/sth down, knock down sb/sth] (cause to fall) 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo person, post; 打倒 dǎdǎo victim, opponent; 碰落 pèngluò object; 撞开 zhuàngkāi door; figurative 排除 páichú barrierto be knocked down by lightning/a wave 被雷电击倒/被大浪冲倒 (demolish) 拆掉 chāidiào building; figurative 驳倒 bódǎo opinion, argumentinformal (reduce) 减少 jiǎnshǎo to knock the bill down by a few pounds 把账单金额减少几英镑 to knock the price down 5% 杀价5% they're knocking down all their prices 他们正在全线降价 to knock one's fee down £20 把收费降低20英镑 the charges have been knocked down (by) 15% 收费降低了15% to knock sth down (from/to sth); (从/到某数额)杀低 chargeto knock the price down from £100 to £75 把要价从100英镑砍到75英镑 informal (get reduction from) 得到减价 dédào jiǎnjià to knock sb down (to/from sth); 使…(从/到某数额)降价 sellerto knock the landlord down from £200 to £150 把房东的要价从200英镑还到150英镑 to knock sb down by a few pounds 把某人的要价杀低几镑 (sell at auction) 击槌卖出 jī chuí màichū painting, vaselot 36 was knocked down at £180 第36号拍品以180英镑拍出 they can't knock it down for less than the reserve price 他们不能低于底价拍出这件东西 knock in transitive verb [knock sth in, knock in sth] (force in) 把…敲进去 bǎ… qiāo jinqu nail, pegknock the bung in as far as it will go 把塞子尽量塞得深一些 (cause to break) 砸破 zápò door, skullI'll knock your teeth in! 我要打掉你的牙! knock into transitive verb [knock into sb/sth] 撞到 zhuàngdào person, tablehe staggered along, knocking into people 他在人群中跌跌撞撞地往前走 to knock into each other 相撞 knock off A. transitive verb [knock sb/sth off, knock off sb/sth] (cause to fall) 打落 dǎluò object; 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo personthe blow knocked her glasses off 这一拳把她的眼镜打掉了 (break) 碰掉 pèngdiào end, handleinformal (deduct) 减去 jiǎnqù amount, percentageshe wouldn't knock anything off (the price) 她一点也不肯降价 they knock off 10% if you pay cash 若你付现金,他们就会给予10%的优惠 to knock 20% off the total 把总价降低20% informal (produce quickly) 匆匆完成 cōngcōng wánchéng on a good day she can knock off 5,000 words 她灵感突现的时候一天能写5,000字 a poem I knocked off 我草草写成的一首诗 informal (finish) to knock off work 下班 xiàbān to knock off doing sth informal (stop) 停止做某事 tíngzhǐ zuò mǒu shì to knock off smoking 戒烟 jièyān knock it off! (stop making noise) 别吵了! bié chǎo le ! British informal (steal) 偷走 tōuzǒu to knock off some pens from the office 从办公室顺走几支钢笔 informal (murder) 谋杀 móushā he had his wife knocked off 他雇凶杀妻 to get knocked off in the final act 在最后一幕中被杀了 British informal (have sex with) 与…上床 yǔ… shàngchuáng he knocked off the bridesmaid 他和女傧相上了床 B. intransitive verb informal 收工 shōugōng knock on: A. intransitive verb to be knocking on (a bit) British informal (growing old) 变老 biànlǎo the car's knocking on a bit 这辆汽车有点旧了 (in rugby) 以手击球 yǐ shǒu jīqiú B. transitive verb British informal (be nearly) to be knocking on 90 快90岁了 kuài 9 0 suì le it was knocking on midnight when we left 我们离开的时候差不多半夜了 (in rugby) to knock the ball on; 用手击球 yòng shǒu jīqiú knock out A. [knock sb out, knock out sb] transitive verb (stun) 打晕 dǎyūn personhe nearly knocked me out 他差点把我打昏 Sport 击倒 jīdǎo boxer; 摔倒 shuāidǎo wrestlernobody has ever knocked him out 还没有人打倒过他 informal (exhaust) 使精疲力竭 shǐ jīng pí lì jié this heat really knocks you out 这种炎热真让人乏力 informal (impress greatly) «film, achievement» 给…留下深刻印象 gěi… liúxià shēnkè yìnxiàng ; «beauty, talent» 迷住 mízhù ; «news, results» 使狂喜 shǐ kuángxǐ the view from the top of the mountain knocked me out 从山顶看到的美景让我着迷 informal (astonish) «news, event» 使惊讶 shǐ jīngyà Sport (eliminate) 淘汰 táotài person, teamFrance knocked Argentina out of the World Cup 法国队把阿根廷队淘汰出了世界杯比赛 B. [knock sth out, knock out sth] transitive verb (dislodge) 敲出 qiāochū peg; 打破 dǎpò window; 打掉 dǎdiào nail, toothto knock the contents out 把里面的东西磕出来 (destroy) «hurricane, bomb» 毁坏 huǐhuài factory, tankto be knocked out by the storm 被暴风雨摧毁 (straighten) 敲平 qiāopíng dent, metalinformal (produce) 快速完成 kuàisù wánchéng amount, bookto knock out five books a year (easily) 每年轻松写出五本书 to knock out a thousand words a day (hurriedly) 每天赶写一千字 C. to knock oneself out reflexive verb (with blow) 失去知觉 ; informal (with drugs, alcohol) 陷入昏迷 xiànrù hūnmí ; informal (with exertion) 精疲力竭 jīng pí lì jié don't knock yourself out 你别累坏了 knock over transitive verb [knock sb/sth over, knock over sb/sth] (cause to fall) 碰倒 pèngdǎo person, objecthe nearly knocked me over 他差点把我撞了个跟头 (run over) «vehicle, driver» 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo pedestrianknock through intransitive verb (remove wall) 拆除隔墙 chāichú géqiáng ; (create hole) 打通隔墙 dǎtōng géqiáng to knock through between two bedrooms 打通两间卧室 knock together A. intransitive verb «objects, elbows» 碰到一起 pèngdào yīqǐ her knees were knocking together 她两只膝盖直哆嗦 B. transitive verb [knock sth together, knock together sth] (hit) 使…相碰 shǐ… xiāngpèng sticks, shoesBritish (remove wall between) 把…打通 bǎ… dǎtōng rooms, buildingstwo cottages knocked together 两栋打通的村舍 knock up A. [knock sth up, knock up sth] transitive verb British (make) 草草做成 cǎocǎo zuòchéng a makeshift shelter had been knocked up 草草搭了一个临时窝棚 I'll go into the kitchen and see what I can knock up 我去厨房看看能凑合着做点什么饭 B. [knock sb up] transitive verb informal (make pregnant) 使怀孕 shǐ huáiyùn informal (exhaust) 使精疲力竭 shǐ jīng pí lì jié British informal (wake) 敲门窗唤醒 qiāo ménchuāng huànxǐng C. intransitive verb Sport 赛前练习 sài qián liànxí




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