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词汇 know
know | BrE nəʊ, AmE noʊ | A. transitive verb past tense knew past participle known (be aware of) 知道 zhīdào I know what I'm doing informal 我知道我在做什么 you know perfectly well what I mean 我的意思你心知肚明 to let sb know sth 告知某人某事 to let it be known that one is dissatisfied (with sth) 公开表示(对某事物)不满 to know what's what informal 见闻广博 to know what's what about politics 熟谙政治 to know sth about sb/sth; 了解有关…的某事 person, eventI don't know anything about art, but I know what I like 我对艺术一窍不通,但我知道自己喜欢什么 sb is/was not to know (that) …; 某人不会知道… to know to do sth; 知道必须做某事 I knew not to mention the war 我知道不能提战争 to know sb/sth/oneself to be sth; 知道某人/某事物/自己是某情况 I knew him to be a coward 我知道他是个懦夫 it's known that … 众所周知… it became known that … …的消息传开了 it is not known how he died 他死因不明 not much is known about his early life 关于他早年的生活大家知之甚少 to make sth known (to sb) (向某人)表明 views (向某人)说明 (xiàng mǒu rén)shuōmíng informationyou know as well as I do 你我都明白 I'll have you know (that) … (emphatic) 我要让你明白… and don't I know it! 我又何尝不知道! (do) you know what or something? informal 你知道吗? I know what! 我明白了! (well,) what do you know! ironic (哟,)真想不到! … and I don't know what …以及诸如此类的东西 you know what/who/where etc. informal (keeping secret) 你知道是什么/谁/哪里等 God or heaven or goodness (only) knows what/why/how etc. informal 天知道是什么/为什么/怎样等 who knows what/why/how etc. 谁知道什么/为什么/怎样等 to know one's place 有自知之明 devil 2 (be privy to) 知情 zhīqíng you know something, don't you? 你察觉到了什么,是不是? (be sure about) 确知 quèzhī (not) to know for certain or sure what/how/where etc. (不)确定什么/怎样/在哪里等 it'll rain: I know it will 要下雨了,肯定会下的 to know sth for a fact; 对某事物有把握 I know for a fact that … 我肯定… I don't know that … 我没有把握… I don't know that I'm in favour of … 我不清楚是否应该赞成… I don't know what to think 我拿不定主意 there's no knowing what/how etc. 谁也不知道什么/怎样等 he doesn't know what to do with himself 他不知道该怎样打发时间 you don't know what to do with yourself today, do you? 你今天无所事事,是吗? not know where to put oneself informal 感到非常尴尬 not know where or which way to look 被眼前的景象弄得不知所措 not know where or which way to turn figurative 不知所措 not know whether one is coming or going informal 不知如何是好 I'm so busy, I don't know whether I'm coming or going 我忙得晕头转向 (have in memory) 记得 jìde not know one's lines 记不住台词 to really know one's classical history 在古典史方面造诣很深 to know sth by heart 背诵 poem, part (be able to speak) 懂得 dǒngde language, Chineseto know enough Arabic to get by 掌握的阿拉伯语能应付日常生活 (possess ability at) huì to know what one is doing 胜任所做的事 he obviously didn't know what he was doing 他显然不称职 he certainly knows how to upset people! ironic 他真会扰人不安! (have experience of) 经历过 jīnglìguo to have known both poverty and wealth 经历过贫穷和富有 you have to know sorrow to know what happiness is 要体会快乐就要先经历悲痛 to know what it's like (to do sth); 体会过(做某事的)感受 I know what it is to be hungry 我尝过挨饿的滋味 to know nothing/a lot/all etc. about sth; 对某事物毫无/有深刻的/有刻骨的等体会 (have seen) 见过 jiànguo ; (have heard) 听说过 tīngshuōguo I've never known him to lose his temper 我从未见他发过脾气 he has never been known to break a promise 从未听说过他违背诺言 it has been known (for sb/sth) to do sth; (某人/某物)做某事有其先例 it has been known to snow in July 七月飞雪确有其闻 (be acquainted with) 认识 rènshi you say you knew Mary: how well did you know her? 你说你认识玛丽:你对她了解多少? to be known to sb; 为某人所知 to get to know sb; 渐渐了解某人 to know sb by name/reputation/sight 叫得出某人的名字/了解某人的声誉/与某人面熟 to know the right people 认识管用的人 it's not what you know but who you know 本事大不如熟人多 to know sb to speak/talk to 和某人熟悉到可以攀谈 I know you! 你就是这样! (be familiar with) 熟悉 shúxī (not) to know sth very well 对某事(不太)熟悉 to get to know sth; 渐渐熟悉某事物 to know the/one's way (to sth) 熟悉(去某处的)路 to know one's way around (sth) 熟悉(某处的)环境 figurative 熟悉(某事物) shúxī(mǒu shìwù) he already knows his way around 他已经轻车熟路了 to know what sb/sth is 熟悉某人/某事物的特性 … as we know it 我们所熟悉的… the end of civilization as we know it ironic 我们所熟悉的文明的终结 devil 2 (recognize) 认出 rènchū I hardly knew him 我几乎认不出他来了 I know an Irish accent when I hear one 爱尔兰口音我一听就能听出来 to know sb/sth from sb/sth; 能够把…和…区别开 he knows right from wrong 他能分辨是非 to know sb/sth by sth; 根据某特征认出某人/某事物 I knew her by her voice 我听到她的声音就知道是她 it takes one to know one humorous 彼此彼此 (use name for) 称呼 chēnghu to know sb/sth as …; 将某人/某事物称作… the disease that we know as German measles 我们称之为风疹的疾病 to be known as sb/sth (to sb), to be known (to sb) as sb/sth; (被某人)称为某人/某物 Edward, better known as Ted 爱德华,大家常称其为特德 he is known to his employees as ‘the Chief’ 他的雇员们管他叫“头儿” (regard) 视为 shìwéi to know sb/sth as or to be sth; 把某人/某事物看作是某事物 to be known as or to be sth; 被视作某事物 this kind of car is known to be unreliable 这种汽车被认为性能不可靠 to know sb/sth for sth; 认为某人/某事物是某情况 they all knew him for a cheat 他们都认为他是个骗子 to be known for sth/doing sth; 以某事/做某事而著称 he's not known for (his) tolerance ironic 他的耐性可不好 B. intransitive verb past tense knew past participle known (be aware) 知道 zhīdào to know about sb/sth; 知道关于某人/某事物的情况 to know about the change in the law 知道对法律所作的修订 to know of sb/sth; 知道某人/某事物 to know of sb who can help 知道某人能帮忙 I don't know her, but I know of her 我不认识她,但听说过她 not that I know of 据我所知没有 to let sb know (of or about sth) 告知某人(关于某事物的情况) I'll let you know as soon as I can 我一有消息就通知你 thank you, we'll let you know (polite refusal) 谢谢你,以后再说吧 I know (agreeing, sympathizing) 我明白 (acknowledging) 我知道了 (introducing idea) 我有个主意 it's your fault — I know 那是你的错──我知道 I know! let's go and see a film 我有主意了!咱们去看电影吧 I wouldn't know 我怎么知道呢 how should I know? 我怎么会知道呢? if you must know 既然你非要知道 I'll or I'd have you know! informal 我告诉你吧! wouldn't you like or love to know! informal 就不告诉你! as you know 如你所知 the failure rate is very high, as you know 失败率很高,这一点你是知道的 as well he knows, as he well knows (from knowledge) 这一点他是知道的 (from experience) 这一点他是有体会的 you know informal (adding information) 你知道的 (emphasizing) 你要知道 it's all a bit …, you know, … under-the-counter 这事有点,嗯,你知道,嗯,见不得人 you know, she could be telling the truth 我觉得嘛,她说的可能是实话 you know, that's the first time I've seen … 真奇怪,那是我头一回看到… if you do that, you'll know about it informal 不要那样做,不然后果严重 if the brakes fail, you'll know about it 如果刹车失灵,后果不堪设想 God or heaven or goodness (only) knows informal 天知道 who knows? informal 谁知道呢? to know better (know the truth) 知道真相 to know better (than to do sth) (be sensible) 明事理(不至于做某事) he doesn't know any better 他不懂事理 (be certain) 确知 quèzhī to know for certain or sure 确定 I think she's lying, but I don't know 我觉得她在撒谎,但我不能肯定 I don't know (in disagreement) 我说不准 (in exasperation) 真是的 he won't win — oh, I don't know 他不会获胜──哦,我可说不准 I don't know about that informal 让我想想 can I borrow your car? — oh, I don't know about that! 我能借你的车吗?──哦,让我想想吧! is it useful? — I don't know about useful, but it's cheap 这东西有用吗?──有没有用我不敢说,但它很便宜 I don't know about you (your opinion) 我不知道你怎么想 there's no knowing 谁也不知道 C. noun in the know informal 知情 zhīqíng to be in the know about sth; 知晓某事物的内情 zhīxiǎo mǒu shìwù de nèiqíng




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