

词汇 knowledge
knowledge | BrE ˈnɒlɪdʒ, AmE ˈnɑlədʒ | noun uncountable (store of factual information) 知识 zhīshi ; (learning) 学问 xuéwen to have a wide/superficial knowledge of sth 在某方面知识渊博/肤浅 the sum of human knowledge 人类知识的总和 all branches of knowledge 所有知识门类 a thirst for knowledge 对知识的渴求 (awareness) 了解 liǎojiě to have knowledge of sth 对某事物有了解 to have no knowledge of good or evil 不能分辨善恶 with the knowledge that … 得知… to sb's knowledge; 据某人所知 to bring sth to sb's knowledge formal 让某人了解某事物 it has come to my knowledge that … formal 我已经了解到… with sb's full knowledge, with the full knowledge of sb 在某人完全知情的情况下 without sb's knowledge, without the knowledge of sb 在某人不知情的情况下 (grasp) 语言能力 yǔyán nénglì to have a working knowledge of five languages 会使用五种语言 my knowledge of Italian is limited 我对意大利语知之甚少 (familiarity) 熟悉程度 shúxī chéngdù one's knowledge of the city/legislation 对这个城市/这项法规的熟悉程度




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