

词汇 merge
merge | BrE məːdʒ, AmE mərdʒ | A. intransitive verb (join) «company, school» 合并 hébìng ; «road, river» 汇合 huìhé to merge with/into … 与…合并/合并成 company, department, stateto merge together; 合并 hébìng (blend) «colour, shape, sound» 融合 rónghé to merge into each or one another 相互融合 B. transitive verb (join) 使…合并 shǐ… hébìng routes, companies, institutionsto merge sth and or with sth; 将某物与某物合并 to merge sth into sth; 将某物合并到某物中 (blend) 使…融合 shǐ… rónghé colours, sounds, designs




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