

词汇 mess about
mess about, mess around A. intransitive verb (act the fool) 胡闹 húnào ; (waste time) 浪费时间 làngfèi shíjiān (potter) to mess about in boats 坐船四处游荡 zuò chuán sìchù yóudàng to mess about with friends 和朋友混在一起 hé péngyou hùn zài yīqǐ (interfere) 干预 gānyù to mess about with sth; 摆弄某物 to mess about with sb informal 勾搭某人 gōuda mǒu rén B. transitive verb [mess sb about] British informal (treat badly) 粗鲁地对待 cūlǔ de duìdài [mess sth about] (leave in a mess) 把…弄乱 bǎ… nòngluàn papers, equipment




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