

词汇 ply
ply1 | BrE plʌɪ, AmE plaɪ | A. transitive verb (sell) 巡回销售 xúnhuí xiāoshòu wares, goods (perform) 从事 cóngshì trade, profession (use) 辛勤地使用 xīnqín de shǐyòng tool; 猛划 měng huà oarto ply one's needle 飞针走线 (travel) 定期航行于 dìngqī hángxíng yú river, seato ply the route between two ports 定期往返于两个港口之间 (provide continuously) 持续提供 chíxù tígōng to ply sb with food/drink 不断为某人提供食物/饮料 (repeatedly question) 不断提问 bùduàn tíwèn they plied us with questions about China 他们一个劲地问我们有关中国的问题 B. intransitive verb «boat» 定期航行 dìngqī hángxíng ; «coach» 定期行驶 dìngqī xíngshǐ




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