

词汇 persist
persist | BrE pəˈsɪst, AmE pərˈsɪst | intransitive verb (continue to exist) 持续存在 chíxù cúnzài if symptoms persist, consult your doctor 如果症状不消除,就去看医生 (continue in action or belief) 坚持不懈 jiānchí bùxiè if you (will) persist, you'll get no help from anyone 你若固执,就得不到他人的帮助 ‘but why did you tell them?’she persisted “但你为什么告诉他们?”她追问道 to persist with sth; 坚持 policy, ideato persist in sth/in doing sth; 坚持某事/做某事 the children persisted in chattering and giggling 孩子们不停地说说笑笑 he persisted in his belief that I was responsible 他认定该我负责




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