

词汇 person
person | BrE ˈpəːs(ə)n, AmE ˈpərs(ə)n | noun plural people or formal persons (human being) rén the average English person 普通英国人 stolen by person or persons unknown Law 遭身份不明的人偷窃 the person or persons concerned 当事人 to do sth in person; 亲自做某事 the company had a great asset in the person of the stage manager 舞台监督是这家剧团的顶梁柱 (type, individual) 有特定爱好的人 yǒu tèdìng àihào de rén I'm a tea person myself 我本人是个喜欢喝茶的人 she's a cat person 她是个爱猫的人 (body) 身体 shēntǐ to have or carry sth on or about one's person 随身携带某物 with drugs concealed about his person 他身上藏有毒品 offences against the person Law 人身攻击 Linguistics 人称 rénchēng the first person singular 第一人称单数 the second person plural 第二人称复数




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